About Bijuu

About Bijuu

What we offer at Bijuu is a space where you feel like its your second home in Kyoto. Here, you can enjoy a beautiful stay in a beautiful space. We can a prepare a room full of specialty items, right down to the details. On the other hand, at Bijuu, there is no such thing as too much service. There is no 24 hour service. Our reception desk hours are from 9 AM to 7 PM. The time after 7PM is completely your private time. To that end, we wish to a prepare a room individual to each guest, and so we value the communications we have with guests before they arrive. After confirming the best check-in time, we will prepare the perfect room in waiting.   *Although we do not have 24 hour service, we have prepared an emergency call and emergency response system. Please be assured. *When there are compelling reasons, we can attend to matters out of ...more

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Tag: info, suite,

京都国際舞台芸術祭 KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2014 [使えるプログラム]の展示 @ B1F Bijuu Gallery

京都国際舞台芸術祭 KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2014 [使えるプログラム]の展示 @ B1F Bijuu Gallery

※こちらの展示は終わりました。ご来場頂きました皆様、有り難うございました。   9/27から10/5まで、地下1階Bijuu Galleryにおいて、KYOTO EXPERIMENTのフリンジ企画「使えるプログラム」の1つ、庭師・山内朋樹さんによる『仮止めされた風景』の展示をします。   山内さんは庭師としておもに関西圏で活動しながら、刺激的な論考を発表している美学、庭園史の研究者の方。また、関西大学、京都造形芸術大学、京都教育大学の非常勤講師もされています。 期間中、Bijuu Galleryが山内さんの手によって、なんと『石庭』に変わるとのこと。 ちなみに写真は変化前の通常のBijuu Gallery。ここに庭ができる・・・? どんな風になるのか、今から楽しみです! また9/27, 10/5 13:00〜は、高安美帆さんによる神楽パフォーマンスもありますので、どうぞお見逃しなく!!   >> 使えるプログラム : >> 京都国際舞台芸術祭 KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2014 :

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Tag: gallery,

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい   1 : We kindly ask our guests to check-in between 3PM and 7PM. Our staff will welcome you at the reception on the 4th floor. Please notify us at least one day in advance about your scheduled arrival time. If your arrival time changes for some reason, please make sure to contact us by telephone (075-353-0802). In case when the guest does not appear by 7PM indicated without an advance notice, we may deem the accommodation contract as being canceled by the guest. In this case, the deposit will be automatically regarded as a cancellation fee. チェックインは 3PMから7PMの間です。4Fレセプションまでお越し下さい。ご利用日の前日までにメールまたは電話でご到着予定時間をお知らせ下さい。 ご連絡なしで時間内にご到着されない場合はノーショーとさせて頂き , キャンセル料を請求させて頂きます。   2 : We don’ t operate 24 hours a day. Our office is open from 9AM to 7PM. Bijuu のフロントは9AMから7PMまでです。   3 : Please pay for your reservation in advance by credit card using the on-line Japanese payment system Paylynx. We will send e-mail instructions in one or two month before the reservation date. After that, payment must be made within 3 days ...more

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Tag: info,

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい

Notice : 必ずお読み下さい   1 : We kindly ask our guests to check-in between 3PM and 7PM. Our staff will welcome you at the reception on the 4th floor. Please notify us at least one day in advance about your scheduled arrival time. If your arrival time changes for some reason, please make sure to contact us by telephone (075-353-0802). In case when the guest does not appear by 7PM indicated without an advance notice, we may deem the accommodation contract as being canceled by the guest. In this case, the deposit will be automatically regarded as a cancellation fee. チェックインは 3PMから7PMの間です。4Fレセプションまでお越し下さい。ご利用日の前日までにメールまたは電話でご到着予定時間をお知らせ下さい。 ご連絡なしで時間内にご到着されない場合はノーショーとさせて頂き , キャンセル料を請求させて頂きます。   2 : We don’ t operate 24 hours a day. Our office is open from 9AM to 7PM. Bijuu のフロントは9AMから7PMまでです。   3 : Please pay for your reservation in advance by credit card using the on-line Japanese payment system Paylynx. We will send e-mail instructions in one or two month before the reservation date. After that, payment must be ...more

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