mederu CARAVAN


Thank you for dropping by our journal as always.

After dog days of summer, it appears that autumn has finally arrived to Kyoto. The days are becoming chiller and the green surroundings of the city are turning to its autumnal colours. Today, we would like to announce an upcoming exhibition by a jewellery firm, mederu.

mederu CARAVAN

Date: 6th Dec – 8th Dec.

Open: 12:00 – 19:00

Avenue: Bijuu Space B (Murakamiju Building 4F)

“Craft and tell, to your town. Under the theme of ‘nostalgic and beautiful’, we are carrying out this exhibition with the stories of this season bringing our mederu atelier collection that we have pursued such high quality that you would love it for a long while.”

mederu CARAVAN contact: +81 (0)3-4577-9130

For more information, please visit here.